TSRI Special Session
8月1日(二)|15:30~17:30 @ 6F樂廳+御廳+茗廳
時間 | 內容 |
15:30~15:40 | 開場 / 致詞人:侯拓宏主任 |
15:40~16:20 | 頒獎典禮 – 年度優良晶片頒獎 |
16:20~16:30 | TSRI成果說明 講者:侯拓宏主任 |
16:30~17:00 | TSRI晶片服務重大業務說明 講者:莊英宗副主任 |
17:00~17:15 | Q&A 15分鐘 |
17:15~17:30 | 摸彩活動 抽獎品: ◎ PS5遊戲主機乙台 ◎ MobiScribe WAVE 7.8吋 電子筆記本 + 原廠皮套乙台 ◎ IDMIX MR CHARGER 10000 (CH06 Pro)行動電源) 六台 |
TSRI 成果展示區
- AI FPGA-前瞻技術應用組
- 48V GaN充電器,懂你的充電需求-異質整合晶片組
- 智慧感測器製造技術-異質整合製程組
- 台歐計畫/國際性課程措施說明-業務推廣組
侯拓宏 Tuo-Hung Hou
Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute(TSRI)
Director General
Dr. Hou received his B.S. and M.S. in electronics engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan in 1996 and 1998, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Cornell University in 2008. In 2000, he joined the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). From 2001 to 2003, he was also a TSMC assignee at International SEMATECH, Austin, TX. In 2008, he joined the Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) (as National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) since 2021), where he is currently a Chair Professor. Dr. Hou is also the Program Director of Angstrom Semiconductor Initiative, one of the largest national research programs for advanced semiconductors. In 2022, Dr. Hou became the Director General of Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI), one of the National Applied Research Laboratories in Taiwan focusing on semiconductor technology. He was the Associate Vice President for Research & Development at NYCU, the Director of EECS International Graduate Program, and the Deputy Director of Microelectronics and Information Research Center at NCTU. He was also the R&D Director of the Electronic and Optoelectronic System Research Lab at the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). His research interests include the emerging nonvolatile memory for embedded and high-density data storage, electronic synaptic device and neuromorphic computing systems, and heterogeneous integration of silicon electronics with low-dimensional and low-temperature nanomaterials.
Dr. Hou has published more than 250 technical papers with citations>6400 and H-index 42, delivered more than 30 invited conference talks, and held 23 U.S. patents. He was also a recipient of the IEEE Electron Device Society (EDS) Ph.D. student fellowship, EDMA Outstanding Youth Award, CIEE Outstanding Electrical Engineering Professor Award, Micron Teacher Award, MOST Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, and MOST Outstanding Research Award (twice). He served on the technical program committees of major conferences, including VLSI, IEDM, IRPS, DRC, EDTM, ISCAS, etc. He is currently the Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports, Associate Editor of IEEE Access, and Regional Editor of IEEE EDS Newsletter. He is also a Member of the Board of Directors of the IEEE Taipei Section and Advisor of the IEEE EDS NCTU student branch chapter.
莊英宗 Ying-Zong Juang
Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute(TSRI)
Deputy Director General
Ying-Zong Juang received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from electrical engineering of National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, in 1992 and 1998, respectively. He joined the institute of Chip Implementation Center, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu, in October 1998. At CIC, he has majored in the RF circuit design and device modeling works. Furthermore, from 2001 to 2004, he joined a project to develop the CMOS MEMS platform. Since 2005, he is the researcher fellow and director of CISD/CIC and his interested topics include the technologies of wireless micro-sensing system. Therefore, he has organized several projects including RFIP methodology, RF SiP, CMOS MEMS/BioMEMS, sensor SOC, power IC, and silicon photonics. In these years, he has published more than 200 papers and 30 patterns. Now, he is the researcher fellow and deputy director general of TSRI/NARLs and in charge the roadmap of heterogeneous integration of intelligent sensing system.
TSRI Short Course
8月1日(二)|19:00~20:45 @ 6F御廳+茗廳
時間 | 內容 |
19:00~19:30 | TSMC University FinFET Program Introduction -TSMC FinFET Design Enablement for Universities -TSMC Educational FinFET Design Package -TSMC University Program Introduction 講師:TSMC張孟凡處長/TSMC陳克明副處長 |
19:30~19:40 | ADFP學界用戶分享 (TSRI沙主榮引言) -成功大學邱瀝毅教授 -清華大學黃朝宗教授 |
19:40~19:50 | Q&A 摸彩活動 抽獎品: 【idmix】MR CHARGER 10000 無線充電行動電源 CH05 Pro 3台 |
19:50~20:00 | 換場休息時間 |
20:00~20:40 | HPC異質整合晶片技術 Heterogeneous, Power, Cryogenics 講師:李佳欣/蔡瀚輝 |
20:40~20:45 | Q&A 摸彩活動 抽獎品: ◎ Apple Watch Series 8 (GPS) 45mm 星光色鋁金屬錶殼;星光色運動型錶帶乙台 ◎ 【idmix】MR CHARGER 10000 無線充電行動電源 CH05 Pro 2台 |
TSMC FinFET Design Enablement for Universities
張孟凡 Marvin Chang
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TSMC)
Director/IEEE Fellow
Industry (13+ years)
- Director, TSMC CR (2019~)
- TSMC, Mentor Graphics (NJ), IPLib.
Academia (13+ years, 2006~)
- Distinguished Professor, National Tsing Hua Univ, Taiwan
Government and Society Service
- Director, Micro-Electronics Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Gov.) (2018-2020)
- Deputy CEO, Nat’l Prog. Intelligent Electronics, Taiwan (Gov.) (2011-2016)
- President of IEEE Taipei Section (2019-2020)
Academic Service
- IEDM Exec. Committee & ISSCC Sub-com Chair
Publications: 43 ISSCC, 25+ VLSI, 15+ IEDM, 5+ DAC
- Top-10 paper contributor of ISSCC (70 years)
-TSMC Educational FinFET Design Package
-TSMC University Program Introduction
陳克明 Clark Chen
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TSMC)
Deputy Director
Industry (25+ years)
- Deputy Director, TSMC CR (2020~now)
- Senior manager, TSMC OIP design infrastructure management (2011~2020)
- Director, TSMC China design service center head (2009~2011)
Research Focus and Patents
- Machine learning assisted design
- 30+ US patents
邱瀝毅 Lih-Yih Chiou
National Cheng Kung University
Dr. Lih-Yih Chiou is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Cheng Kung University. He currently serves as the Program Director on integrated circuit Design for the Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing (AISSM) as well as the Center Director of Future Computing for Miin Wu School of Computing (SOC) to expand NCKU’s impact on the integrated circuit design domain in education, research, and international collaboration.
Dr. Chiou received the B.S. E.E. degree from National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, in 1988, the M.S. degree from University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA, in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, in 2003. Since 2003, he has been with the Electrical Engineering Faculty at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, and is currently a professor. He served as an Officer of IEEE Tainan Section 2016-2017 and Chapter Chair of the Circuit and System Society at IEEE Tainan Section 2015-2016. He is a senior member of IEEE.
Dr. Chiou’s research interests include energy-efficient VLSI design, memory circuit design, processing in memory, hardware security, and VLSI Compute-Aided Design. He has co-authored over 60 peer-reviewed publications and 20+ US and international patents. He has worked on numerous industry and National Science and Technology Council projects. He served as General Chair of the International Symposium on VLSI- DAT 2018 and General Chair of the Taiwan and Japan Circuits and Systems (TJCAS) Conference 2016. He received the Excellent Teaching Award from National Cheng Kung University in 2014. He also served as Co-Chair or Executive Secretary of the Green Electronics Consortium under the Advisory Office of the Ministry of Education, Taiwan from 2011-2016. He has served on the steering committee of TJCAS since 2017.
He led his research team to win the Bronze Award of the 22nd and 20th Macronix Golden Silicon Awards, known as the Oscar Award of the Taiwan Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, in 2022 and 2020, respectively.
黃朝宗 Chao-Tsung Huang
National Tsing Hua University
Associate Professor
Chao-Tsung Huang received the BS degree in electrical engineering and the PhD degree in electronics engineering from the National Taiwan University, Taiwan, in 2001 and 2005 respectively.
He is now with the National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, as an Associate Professor. Before joining NTHU, he was first with Novatek Microelectronics Corp. and then performed postdoctoral research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and National Taiwan University. Recently, he has published a series of works on light-field systems and convolutional neural networks from fundamental algorithm exploration to VLSI architecture design and chip implementation. His research interests include computational photography, solid-state circuits, and computing architecture. He served as Associate Editor for IEEE TCSVT and Springer CSSP and was a TC member on DISPS of IEEE SPS. He now serves as Associate Editor for IEEE OJCAS.
Dr. Huang was a recipient of the Young Scholar Innovation Award from Foundation For The Advancement Of Outstanding Scholarship in 2020, the Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Award from CIEE in 2019, the Outstanding Young Scholar Award from Taiwan IC Design Society in 2019, and the Junior Faculty Research Award from College of EECS, NTHU, in 2017.
HPC異質整合晶片技術 Heterogeneous, Power, Cryogenics
李佳欣 Chia-Hsin Lee
Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute(TSRI)
Assistant Engineer
Work Experience
IC Design Engineer, Heterogeneous Chip Integration Division, TSRI (2016 - Present)
- Chip design environment verification and maintenance of HV process
- IP design and implementation
- IC design instructor
Research Focus and Publications
- Analog/Mixed-signal IC design
- Opto-electronic detection
- 2 papers and 2 patents
HPC異質整合晶片技術 Heterogeneous, Power, Cryogenics
蔡瀚輝 Hann-Huei Tsai
Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute(TSRI)
Research Fellow
Work Experience
- Process Integration, TSMC (1996 - 2006)
- Associate Researcher, CIC (2006 - 2008)
- Research Fellow, CIC/TSRI (2009 - Present)
Research Focus and Publications
- Heterogeneous integration, power management circuits, cryogenic circuits, silicon photonics
- 50 papers and 37 patents